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Commuter Lots in Stafford / Fredericksburg, VA area

See details about Commuter Lots in Stafford / Fredericksburg area

Office Locations

Any destination in Tysons Corner, VA as well as Reston, Herndon, IAD, Rockville, Bethesda areas


Commute Options

While commuting from Stafford, VA to Tysons Corner, VA, Sameride riders save up to $230 a month on the train, bus or vanpool fares. At the same time, Sameride drivers use express lanes toll-free which saves them up to $1,450 a month. Both Sameride riders and Sameride drivers commute up to 26 hours a month faster.

Ride Only

* Commuter Bus is not available from Stafford to Tysons Corner, VA
** Slug type of commute is not available from Stafford to Tysons Corner, VA


Drive Only

* Picking up slugs between Stafford and Pentagon as slug type of commute is not available from Stafford to Tysons Corner, VA


Ride and/or Drive

See details about calculation of monthly time and cost for commute options
See and download News Release about opening Fredericksburg / Stafford – Tysons Corner Commute Route

Find more information on Commute Blog:


Time and cost of commute from Stafford, VA to Tysons Corner, VA

While commuting from Stafford, VA to Tysons Corner, VA, Sameride riders save up to $230 a month on the train, bus or vanpool fares. At the same time, Sameride drivers use express lanes toll-free which Read more…

Posted in Stafford VA - Tysons VA | 2 Comments

Stafford-Fredericksburg, VA area Park and Ride Commuter Lots

See the commuter lots details below the map From North to South: Route 610 / Staffordboro Blvd Commuter Lot Nearest Address: 163 Staffordboro Blvd, Stafford, VA 22556, USA Parking Fee: No, free parking Parking Spaces: Read more…

Posted in Stafford VA - Arlington VA, Stafford VA - Tysons VA, Stafford VA - Washington DC | 1 Comment


Stacey Carroll · 2018-02-06 at 9:12 AM

What is the workspace name for the Stafford/Fredericksburg to Tysons same ride

    Sameride Team · 2018-02-12 at 11:26 AM

    Hi Stacey, We are still collecting registration s for Stafford/Fredericksburg to Tysons route – will let you know as soon as have the route launched.

      Sameride Team · 2018-08-28 at 12:36 PM

      Stafford – Tysons route is open now in Sameride App for iOS and Android.

Carla · 2018-08-27 at 5:23 AM

I commute every day from Fredericksburg to Tysons Corner on Jones Branch Dr.i am very interested in times in the morning leaving from Leavels Rd in Fredericksburg. I have to be at work at 7 am. And what time are the south bound trips? I leave work at 3:20 pm. Thank you

Sameride Team · 2018-08-28 at 1:02 PM

Carla, thank you for asking. First of all, I would suggest using Rt 610 North lot as all drivers in the Stafford – Tysons group are passing by that lot. Regarding pick-up time, please add a ride request with pick-up time to/from your place in Tysons, so drivers with the same/similar time can accept your request and coordinate on-demand carpool.

Cody · 2018-10-04 at 4:16 AM

How can I get in touch with the users in this app to see if anyone is interested in carpooling from rt.17 lot? We need 1 more rider.

    Sameride Team · 2018-10-14 at 6:26 AM

    The best way to reach Sameride App users on the specific route is to offer or request rides for this route.

Michelle · 2018-10-12 at 4:02 PM

Is there a way to change your routes in the app? I prefer stafford to tysons but I am also open to a woodbridge to tysons option as I can easily pick up my riders there.

    Sameride Team · 2018-10-14 at 6:19 AM

    Michelle, Thank you for asking. You can change your route by contacting support@sameride.com. Your current route in Sameride App is Stafford – Tysons which includes commuters residing in Fredericksburg and further south or working in Reston, Dulles, VA, Rockville, Bethesda, MD. Our Woodbridge – Tysons route is still using a Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/sameridewoodbridgetysons/ and we plan to transition it to the App in the next month. Before the transition, please offer rides in the Sameride App for Stafford – Tysons commuters and in the FB group for Woodbridge – Tysons commuters. If you have further question, please let us know.

bob van valzah · 2019-01-10 at 10:18 AM

not having much luck with riders from Route 3 in Fredericksburg, i am picking majority of my riders from 610, are there more riders in the rt17 lot? are there other lots in fredericksburg with activity?

    Sameride Team · 2019-03-11 at 11:49 PM

    Bob, sorry for late reply – just found your comment among spam.
    We don’t see much activity from Rt3 / Rt17 lots or any other lots in Fredericksburg area. 610 lot is the most popular. We are testing a new version of the app with map locations. This will allow adding to the app commuters from further Woodbridge.

Loraine · 2019-05-12 at 2:24 PM

Requesting 2-3 riders 5-13-2019 4:05pm -4:20pm

Achille · 2019-06-10 at 7:30 AM

I am commuting from Richmond (Short Pump area) to Tysons on Chain Bridge Road, do you have any route from Richmond already? I am willing to ride from Fredericksburg

    Sameride Team · 2019-07-30 at 10:37 AM

    Achille, We have been in touch over email. Thank you for using the app. Posting here reply to you earlier in case somebody has a similar question…
    Sameride app has an active group of Woodbridge – Tysons commuters and evolving group of Fredericksburg/ Stafford – Tysons commuters.

    We would suggest adding there following as your home locations: “Sameride pick-up” at Annapolis Way, Woodbridge, VA and “Sameride pick-up” at Staffordboro Boulevard, Stafford, VA. These are commuter lots at “Route 123 and I – 95” and “Route 610 and I-95” respectively.

    Be aware that you can add up to 5 home and up to 5 work locations in App Menu ->My Locations -> Home and Work tabs. Just start typing “Sameride pick-up” in the address input. You can also delete(x) locations that are not correct.

    For home locations, in addition to your home area and 123, 610 commuter lots you might want to add other commuter lots on the way to work: e.g. Rt 3, Rt 17 commuter lots.
    For work locations, your current location looks OK and usually, it is your office area and transit hubs on the way home, e.g.Tysons area.

    Note: Commuters with matching locations are able to see and participate in each other’s offers and requests.

Ciara Havener · 2019-06-16 at 5:40 PM

I am looking to ride share with people from Fredericksburg/Stafford to Tyson’s Corner. I work at a firm next to Tyson’s II. Is there anyone looking for another passenger?

    Sameride Team · 2019-07-30 at 10:50 AM

    Hi Ciara, Thank you for asking – please request or offer your rides in Sameride app. There are quite a few commuters on Fredericksburg – Tysons route.

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